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We work hard to ensure that  every detail is in place  so that each camper has the time of their life... every single summer.  

This summer, in the midst of a global pandemic, there are more details than ever! Given all the uncertainties in the world right now, we recognize that much may well change between now and June. Even so, we’re hard at work planning for an incredible together at Camp Solelim.


Here’s some of what we’re already doing:


  • Thanks to the Ontario Camps Association, the American Camp Association, the Foundation for Jewish Camp, and JCamp180, we’re learning from camps that successfully opened this past summer. 

  • Our Pandemic Planning Committee is thinking through important issues such as medical protocol, facilities, staffing, cohorting, cleaning procedures and supply chain management to understand the potential ways we may need to adapt running camp next summer.

  • We're meeting regularly with our colleagues in camping to share news, wisdom and resources so we can ensure we are prepared as possible.


Of course, there are still many questions that can’t be answered yet: will there be a widely available, effective vaccine? Will camps have access to rapid testing? Will out of town campers need to be quarantined? Will international staff members be able to enter the country? Exactly what kinds of mitigation, cleaning, and health services will be needed? The more we try to come up with answers, the more questions we end up finding.


As always, we’re deeply committed to living by our values – and transparency is at the top of that list. With that in mind, we want to be as upfront as possible: we expect things to change between now and the summer. We know that session length, dates, and tuition may all have to change and we’re already planning for potential alternative scenarios. Please know that we will also adjust our fees and issue pro-rated refunds should significant adjustments be made to our schedule. If camp is cancelled this summer- and we are so hopeful that it won't be - we will honour our commitment to refund any payments made to date or to roll over fees for next summer. 


We’re excited to welcome you home to Camp Solelim. We promise to keep our families (and website) updated on any significant changes and to work together to make summer 2021 unforgettable. Of course, we look forward to being in touch with any questions you may have along the way.

 Have Questions?  

We're here to help. Call or email us!

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