Living in tents is a defining feature of the Solelim experience which fosters independence and builds community.

Each tent has a concrete floor, wooden walls and rafters. Tents are made of waterproof canvas and topped with a tarp so that everyone stays dry. They also have a mosquito net to keep the bugs out. All of our tents are equipped with a light, beds, electrical outlets and windows making them the perfect, cozy summer home. Campers usually bring 1 trunk, 1-2 sets of plastic drawers and 1 duffel bag to store their stuff in. Click here for more information on what and how to pack for camp.
​Each tent can accommodate up to six campers and most tents will have a mix of Rookies and Posts. There will always be at least two campers from the same age group in every tent. Camper tents face the staff tents and while staff do not live with the campers, they are always available and close by. Every tent is assigned one or two staff as “tent parents” who are responsible for checking in with their campers daily and for organizing special tent time activities throughout the summer.

Living in smaller groups and within different age groups breaks down social cliques and creates a positive sense of community
Having no counsellors in the tent promotes independence and responsibility
Tent living brings campers closer to nature – nothing compares to falling asleep to rain beating down on the canvas, or waking up to the smell of fresh dew and birch trees!