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Click here to see our packing list. The list covers everything campers should bring with them this summer. Help us make camp a safe and happy environment by not packing any of the items in the “Do not pack” list. Many seemingly harmless things – particularly electrical appliances – can pose a safety risk to campers.



Campers can bring one trunk, one duffel bag and one set of plastic drawers. Typically, clothing is packed in the drawers and trunks, while bedding and towels, toiletries and shoes are packed in the duffel. Campers work together and with staff to move their belongings to their tents. Please make sure you can lift your bags: if you can’t, we won’t be able to either!


Many campers bring the medium or large Rhino Armour trunk from Camp Connection. Some campers choose to use a plastic bin like this or this instead. Make sure that whatever trunk/bin you choose is able to withstand being stacked in the luggage truck without cracking. Please label the lid of your trunk/bin with your camper's full name.


Our packing experts have identified several popular designs of drawer units: please choose the one(s) that best suits your packing needs:


Pack your drawers fully and use duct tape to ensure that nothing falls out. Don't forget to clearly label the top with your camper's full name. The drawers will go straight from the truck to the tent: no unpacking required.


Campers can bring a small tool box or lock box to keep smaller items. They may bring a lock; however, they will be required to open the box for staff on the first day to ensure there are no medications, food or other restricted items inside.





Campers can bring a small tool box or lock box to keep smaller items. They can bring a lock; however, they will be required to open the box for staff on the first day as well as on request.





Many campers like to bring foam puzzle pieces for the floor of their tent. Some campers bring twinkle lights to decorate the tent and add lighting. Campers also like to bring a standing or clip fan to use for cooling off. Extension cords and power bars help ensure they can access electricity in the tent.





We have a lot of programs at camp where campers are encouraged to dress up. While we have many costumes and accessories on site, many campers like to bring their own silly hats, socks, necklaces, tutus and other clothing/accessories ($20 at the Dollar Store is more than enough to outfit your camper for camp). Different coloured t-shirts are helpful for when campers are split into different teams for programs and Maccabiah. Some programs at camp might be messier than others so it is always a good idea to have one or two outfits that can get stained or dirty. Finally, don’t forget a white t-shirt or pillowcase for tie-dying!




Campers are not allowed to bring food into camp as it attracts unwanted critters – big and small – to our tent site. In order to ensure the hygiene and safety of all our campers, bags will be checked for food upon arrival at camp. Please do not send food with your camper as it will be confiscated.


 MONEY â€‹


We are planning some opportunities for campers to leave camp to participate in special programming. All these activities are paid for by camp and we provide meals and snacks whenever campers leave our site. In the past, campers have brought a small amount of money ($25-50) to purchase their own snacks when outside of camp. This is completely optional and is not required at all. 





In order to prevent lost and misplaced items, please label every article of clothing and all belongings with your camper’s full name. Labels should be machine washable and waterproof.  Camp Solelim partners with Mabel's Labels: for every purchase, they donate a portion of the sale back to camp.




Every week, a service collects the bags: clothing is washed, dried and returned the following day. We recommend campers bring their own laundry bags to be used until laundry day. Please help us reduce the chances of lost and/or misplaced laundry by clearly labelling your camper’s clothing.





Lost and found is collected daily and stored in bins outside the Ulam (main hall). Campers are encouraged to claim their lost and found throughout the summer and especially at the end of camp. Unclaimed items will not return to Toronto at the end of camp.

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