Admission of new applicants will be granted on a first come first served basis. Enrolment of all applicants is subject to space availability. Applicants who are not enrolled will be placed on a waiting list.​ Completion of the initial application does not guarantee acceptance into camp. Parents/Guardians must pay their deposit and complete all required forms in order to be eligible for enrolment. Families will be sent an email confirming their enrolment within 5-10 business days of completing the full registration process (includes deposit and all required forms). Campers are admitted into camp on a first come first served basis, based on completed registrations only.
Camp Solelim reserves the right to refuse any camper to attend camp at its discretion prior to the camper’s arrival at camp and cancelling such camper’s registration should it be of the view that the presence of such camper at the camp poses a health, behavioural or safety risk to such camper or to other campers and/or staff.
Financial Terms
This application is to be accompanied by a $800 deposit. The deposit includes a non-refundable $300 registration fee. If the camper withdraws for any reason, the following policies will apply:
Withdrawal before Jan.1: Deposit will be refunded less registration fee
Withdrawal between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28: $800 (full deposit) will be forfeited
Withdrawal between Mar. 1 and May 31: $2500 will be forfeited
Withdrawal after Jun. 1: full fee will be forfeited
Camp fees shall be paid as follows:
$800.00 deposit with application;
50% of fees by January 15th;
Balance by April 15th.
Monthly payment instalments can be arranged. Scholarship applications are due in December, with scholarships awarded in January. No camper will be permitted to attend camp unless all camp fees have been paid in full by June 15th.
In the event of a payment returned unpaid, an NSF cheque, or a declined payment, there will be a $100 service charge and all future payments for any outstanding amounts will have to be in the form of either cash, e-transfer or a certified cheque.
Camp Solelim is a non-profit organization whose costs for food, staff and program are fixed; these commitments remain essentially the same regardless of camper attendance. Therefore, we cannot issue credits or refunds for an incomplete session for any reason including, but not limited to: absence, illness, cancellation, family vacations, special events, inclement weather, or early withdrawal of a camper.​
Personal Information
Under the Privacy Act, your personal information, including health information relating to your child, is protected. Camp Solelim complies with this legislation and understands the importance of protecting this information. Camp Solelim collects, uses and discloses your personal information strictly for the following purposes:
to register and collect payment for your child to attend our camp program
to contact you with respect to registration information
to enable staff to contact you to discuss supporting your child's social, emotional and physical well-being
to assess your child’s health needs
to identify, deliver and ensure continuous high-quality supervision and medical care of your child
to communicate (before or during our camping season) with health care professionals who may be caring for your child
to set up and maintain confidential records on your child with respect to registration and medical information
to comply with the law​​
Camp Solelim provides camper lists, which include the name, email and telephone numbers of campers and parents/guardians, to its associate camp, Camp Biluim, for the purpose of providing your child with the opportunity of continuing in the Canadian Young Judaea camping system.
Camp Solelim also provides its campers with the names, telephone numbers and emails of other campers should they wish to communicate once the camp season has ended.
Occasionally, we will share lists with information of registered campers with prospective and new campers in order to begin developing supportive camp relationships.
Your personal information is managed and accessed by our Camp Director, camper care team and office staff. The parent(s)/guardian(s) explicitly consent to the camp organizers and staff contacting them via email for the purpose of follow-up communication or to inquire about personal or medical information concerning their child's participation.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) submitting this registration are those having legal custody of the child. Conditions of custody, if applicable, must be fully communicated in writing to Camp Solelim, including, if applicable, a copy of the section of any court order referring to visitation rights.
Full Disclosure
The parent(s)/guardian(s) attest(s) that their child is healthy and socially and emotionally ready for a resident summer camp experience. The parent(s)/guardian(s) must fully complete and return the camper questionnaire and health forms requested by the camp, including obtaining any additional physician/medical professional documentation if requested.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to disclose to Camp Solelim all information relating to their child's health, mental health, and/or social-emotional well-being including, but not limited to: medical conditions; history of illness and/or injuries; life-threatening allergies; behavioural, social or mental health concerns; and any need for special accommodations.
If the camper must leave camp as a result of any medical, mental health, social-emotional or behavioural issue which was not disclosed on the camp's forms, or for an issue which the parent(s)/guardian(s) failed to outlined in writing if the issue surfaced over the period of time that camp received the forms and camp began, none of the camp fee will be refunded. All additional transportation costs incurred as a result, are the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s).
Camp Solelim reserves the right to make and amend its decisions related to health and safety matters as it sees fit and at any time. This could include, but is not limited to, matters related to vaccination, testing, the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, and/or requesting additional medical/health information. Solelim also may need to implement changes to health, safety and behaviour standards prior to camp or while at camp.
Each camper must be covered by provincial health insurance or international medical insurance. In the event that a camper requires special medication, examination or treatment (including dental work) beyond that which is available at Camp, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified promptly and will be charged any additional expenses related to treatment and/or medication. In case of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s). If this is not possible, or the parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be reached, parent(s)/guardian(s) grant permission to the camp selected physician to hospitalize, to secure proper treatment and/or to order injection, anaesthesia and/or surgery for the child.
Camp Solelim reserves the right to dismiss any camper, without refund, who:
Disregards camp rules;
Is perceived to be a danger to their or others' safety;
Fails to meet the standards set out in the Camp Solelim Code of Conduct; and/or,
Requires a disproportionate level of staff attention and/or accommodation
There will be no refunds for any suspensions or dismissals from Camp. All additional transportation costs incurred as a result of suspension or dismissal from camp are the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s).
Camper Property
Camp accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any camper property incurred during the session or while in transit.
Photo/Video Consent
The parent(s)/guardian(s) agree(s) that Camp Solelim may use any photograph, video, image, likeness, utterance or statement in which the participant may appear to be involved, in whole or part, in any media, including the internet, for promotional or other purposes, without approval by or compensation to the participant or parent.
The family agrees to adhere to the Camp Solelim policies regarding the sending of food items, packages and electronics as set out in the Family Handbook. By signing this form, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will ensure that the camper’s cell phone and/or other communication device will not accompany the camper to camp (exceptions will be made for campers who must travel by airplane to, from and/or during camp). If found, these devices will be confiscated for the duration of the camp session (including Visitors’ Day).
The parent(s)/guardian(s) give the camp permission to take the camper from the campsite for camp programs (canoe trips, Rookie/Post Week activities, inter-camp competitions, etc.) and/or medical treatment.