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Dear Campers,
We know you have lots of questions about how COVID-19 will affect your camp experience. We hope that this page which we will keep updating as we learn more will help answer some of those questions. ​
How quickly do we need to register?We recommend completing your registration by October 11th. We are expecting high retention from last year and have a large cohort of Seniors graduating from Camp Shalom. By registering within the first few days, you have the best opportunity to get a spot this summer.
When will we receive confirmation of our camper's enrolment?Enrolment confirmation will be emailed within 5 to 7 business days after all three registration components - application, deposit, and forms - have been received. Please note that the office is closed for Jewish holidays and this affects when enrolment confirmations are sent.
Is there priority registration?Campers who were Rookies at Solelim or Seniors at Camp Shalom last summer who have completed all registration components (application, deposit, and forms) by October 11th will be given priority in the first wave of enrolment confirmations going out. Returning campers and Shalom graduates will only be given priority in the first wave of enrolment. Subsequent enrolment confirmations will be determined by the date and time registration is completed (i.e. when all components – application, deposit, and forms – are received).
When does registration open for campers who did not attend Solelim or Shalom last summer?Registration opens for all campers at noon on Tuesday, October 8th, including for campers who were not at Solelim or Camp Shalom last summer. Once placement has been given to all 2024 Rookies and graduated Shalom Seniors with completed registrations by October 11th, we will start enrolling this group of campers based on date and time of their completed registration (i.e. when all components – application, deposit, and forms – are received).
Why do Rookies leave for camp later than the Posts?Posts come to camp two days before the Rookies. During this time, we run special programming to prepare them to mentor and welcome our Rookies to Solelim.
Do you offer shorter sessions?We build a lot of intentionality into Solelim's six week program. What makes us unique is our intense focus on building community and fostering teen growth. Having campers coming and going for different sessions takes away from our ability to achieve both these things. If your camper is apprehensive about being away for six weeks, they are not alone! Many campers are intimidated by the length of camp at first. With the help of our caring staff, campers quickly feel at home and fall in love with camp programming. Six weeks fly by: before they know it, they are hugging their friends on the last Shabbat and crying because they have to leave! Sometimes, campers have important commitments or family events and need to leave camp early. Please be in touch with our office to discuss your circumstances and we will do our best to accommodate. For the benefit of the camp community, registration will be prioritized for campers who are able to spend the full six weeks at camp.
I want to apply, but I cannot afford the deposit.Please get in touch with the office for assistance.
Will you have an in person Visitors' Day this summer?Yes! We are looking forward to welcoming families to camp for Visitors' Day on Sunday, July 20th.
Can we schedule a meeting to learn more about Solelim?Yes! Please email Shauna, our Director, to set up a time that works best for you. In the meantime, our virtual tour and videos are all great resources showcasing camp life, activities, and spirit.
Updated April 23, 2021
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